透過整合自家開發的零售管理系統 (POS) 與網上銷售系統 (Online Store),使實體店和網店的庫存管理、客戶管理、銷售記錄等進行全方位無縫接合,同時保留 POS 離線使用的快速開單和簡易操作
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫小本科技 Tech Opener Ltd

The goal of our online store is to provide consumers around the world with products at near wholesale prices. Our experience and relationship with major distributors allow us to offer heavily discount

Specialised Outdoor Retail and Online Store  

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Online luxury yacht charter.

小班教學 - 在韓國以「4人一組」,由「廣東話批發翻譯」全程帶領到韓國批發市場。學員可在韓國直接認識當地的買手公司後,便不需要預繳任何費用,就可用「零 」成本在香港銷售每日平均約數百款由韓國直接進口的正品,產品包括有化妝品、護膚品及女裝產品等。

小班教學 - 在韓國以「4人一組」,由「廣東話批發翻譯」全程帶領到韓國批發市場。學員可在韓國直接認識當地的買手公司後,便不需要預繳任何費用,就可用「零」成本在香港銷售每日平均約數百款由韓國直接進口的正品,產品包括有化妝品、護膚品及女裝產品等。
O教學進修 / 消閒興趣 - 其他課程Online Marketing Leader

課程內容包括有教授學員如何複製一盤由香港人營運的網上銷售生意,而這些人每月的網上銷售營業額已超過 HK$20,000 至 HK$300,000 不等。
O教學進修 / 會計及經濟Online Marketing Leader

Singapore, Gifts, gift, Send, online, Send Gifts, Send Gift, Delivery
S鮮花及禮籃 / 花店Singaporehampers

Kicks-Crew is an online store that caters authentic, rare sneakers from Nike, Adidas, Vans, New Balance, Puma, Reebok, etc. It was established in 2008.

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美容 / 零售及批發HADA Online-Store

We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark

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S商業 / 裝修工程Spatialworks

Accreditations: Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) U.K. National Information Centre (UK ENIC) Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)
E教學進修 / 遙距教學Education Consultant

No true jewelry lover can resist the charm of Buono's art pieces. Buono Jewellery Co Ltd makes highly original designs with fresh combination of coloration, geometric and aesthetic elements. The compa
B設計 / 珠寶設計Buono Jewellery Co Ltd

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Our Mission : Providing Peace-of-mind Technology & One-Stop Tailor-made Services to Customers About us: As a member in a group, Mactronic Business Systems Ltd. (MBS) has been established since 11
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫美加商業系統有限公司
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